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- Historique
- Titre :
- ialI9HwglG
- Date :
- 2004/02/03 11:11
- Nom de fichier :
- ex1.jpg
- Légende :
- Actually, given the state of communications in the 21st Century, it really doesn’t matter where Christie or Obama are, as long as there’s a network connection available. Additionally, neither does any of the heavy lifting, that’s done by the ܜtroops„ on the ground, and their line managers. This is much ado about nothing.P.S. It would have been difficult to “immediately return,” given the status of the area’s airports – CLOSED. [url=]yeuefwvph[/url] [link=]djuwdaatwj[/link]
- Photographe :
- Copyright :
- M0ckcn07
- Format :
- Taille :
- 19KB
- Largeur :
- 283
- Hauteur :
- 169
- Mots-clés :
- Tnf1iX5JD
- Utilisé sur:
- eagle
impedance.txt · Dernière modification : 2017/12/06 16:13 de